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Dr. Nandita Palshetkar


Parenthood is the dream of every couple. The urge to procreate is genetically motivated and is one of the greatest sources of enduring joy for couples.

Yet, given increasing levels of infertility in today's generation, there are millions of couples who pine for the joy of having a baby. Infertility in women, low sperm counts or motility in men, and many other causes make parenthood difficult if not impossible for such couples.


Dr.Nandita Palshetkar is one of the pioneers of IVF treatment in India specializing in Assistive Reproductive Technologies and has been instrumental in helping over 30,000 aspiring parents to have a baby of their own. She is credited with an average IVF success rate of 45%-50%for women under 35.


Dr.Nandita Palshetkar is one of the best IVF specialists in India who combines a high level of medical expertise with the latest IVF treatment-related medical technology to offer high success rates among Infertility treatments. Dr.Palshetkar has the record of being the first to establish assisted laser hatching in India in 1998 she is credited with the first laser hatched twins in India. She also has the distinction of having achieved pregnancy in the oldest woman in India, a 60-year-old in 2000, along with having achieved pregnancy with sperms from a hemiplegic husband and also having delivered the first baby in India with three mothers - i.e. with help of a test-tube baby and surrogacy techniques. She is also a pioneer in establishing the spindle view technology in India so as to prevent damage to the genes during the test-tube baby procedure, establishing the first egg and ovarian tissue bank in India, and establishing IMSI -a new technology for improving results in Male Infertility, for the first time in India.

  • 1994: Started IVF and semen bank in ppnh op hse
  • 1996: Started ICSI for males with low sperm count.
  • 1998: Introduced assisted Laser hatching (first in India) and blastocyst culture for improving pregnancy rates Started the Lilavati Hospital Unit
  • 2005: Introduced Spindle view technology to increase ICSI pregnancy rates. - First in India
  • 2006: Started oocyte Bank & introduced oocyte freezing by vitrification- first in India
  • 2007: Ovarian tissue freezing for young women undergoing Chemo/radiation –first in India
  • 2008: First in India to introduce Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI)
  • 2008: Introduced INVO- first in India. In Vivo Vaginal Culture
  • 2010: Introduced IVM
  • 2012: Introduced Embryoscope We do around 3000 art cycles in a year of which 2000 are in Lilavati& our five units. Rest 1000 art cycles are with other units affiliated with us


Dr. Nandita Palshetkar is one of the few IVF specialists who have tirelessly worked to reduce the cost of IVF treatments and gain recognition as an affordable infertility specialist. She has worked tirelessly to spread the benefits of IVF treatments in India. Her name and fame and her accessibility have also worked to attract couples from other countries to come to India, attracted by the level of expertise combined with the affordability of costs.


Dr.Palshetkar routinely organizes training programs for other doctors all over India to pass on her considerable skills for the benefit of the wider society. She has trained more than 5000 gynecologists in infertility management over the last 15 years. To keep abreast of the rapidly evolving technology in the IVF domain worldwide Dr.Palshetkar regularly attends many training programs and workshops worldwide. She also has considerable research work in the cutting-edge OBGY domain space.

She is currently a professor of OBGY at the Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Navi Mumbai, and a teacher for super specialty degree (FNB), Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine, National Board, Delhi at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai.

  • Received an award for Leveraging Technology for Total Disease Management from DigiPharmaX Awards, 2018
  • IMA Empowered Women Award at National Medico-Legal Conclave, Aug 2018 at Chennai.
  • The Economics Times Award for Inspiring Gynaecologists of India Doctors Day Conclave June 2018, Hyatt Regency, New Delhi.
  • Doctors Day Award IMA EMPOWERED WOMEN AWARD in July at Chennai.
  • Star Group Super Achievers Award for the Best Fertility and IVF Group of the year 2017 at TajLandsEnd, Mumbai 2017.
  • The Golden Globe Tigers Award 2017 for Outstanding Contribution in Healthcare - Fertility and IVF in Malaysia April 2017
  • Healthcare Professional - InFertility and IVF in Delhi-NCR at International Healthcare Summit and Awards November 2016
  • Received Maharashtrache Maankari Award by CBD Foundation on 28th April 2013.
  • Received Dignitaries of Maharashtra award in Mumbai on 30th April 2013.
  • Best IVF Service Provider Company of the Year award at the 5th Annual India Healthcare Excellence Awards 2013 organized by Frost and Sullivan Group.
  • Felicitated by Rotary Club of Mumbai South for outstanding contribution in the field of Gynaecology and IVF treatment 2011.
  • Received an Award from Hex World Newsmakers Achievers Awards for Best Doctor in Gynaecologist field on 1st May 2010.
  • Received an Award for Best Woman Achiever in the gynecological field from the Mayor of Mumbai (ShraddhaJadhav) in 2010.
  • Received an Award for Best Woman Achiever in the gynecological field from Giants Group of Byculla in 2009.
  • BHARAT EXCELLENCE AWARD and GOLD MEDAL, Certificate of Excellence and Certificate of Felicitation for the year 2009, at the Conference on Economic Growth and Nat
  • Recognized as Maharashtrian Woman Achiever at the Mumbai Festival at Gateway of India, 26th January 2006.
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